
关于 PyTorch 的 dispatcher,PyTorch 的核心作者之一 Edward Z Yang 有过介绍:Let’s talk about the PyTorch dispatcher
PyTorch 作为多平台的神经网络框架,需要实现这样一种功能:每个通用的算子都要实现一些相同的 api,比如前传和反传,这些相同的api在不同的硬件设备会有不同的代码实现,CPU下可能要用到MKL,GPU下是CUDA,各个厂商的NPU加速卡也可能有不同的底层代码。PyTorch 需要根据不同的硬件设备和使用场景,调用对应的函数实现,dispatcher 能够实现这个功能。
对于每个operator,dispatcher都会维护一个函数指针表,为每个dispatch key提供对应的实现。


class TORCH_API Dispatcher final {
    // 嵌套结构体
    struct OperatorDef final {
      explicit OperatorDef(OperatorName&& op_name)
      : op(std::move(op_name)) {}

      impl::OperatorEntry op;
      size_t def_count = 0;
      size_t def_and_impl_count = 0;

  // 成员函数
    C10_ALWAYS_INLINE static Dispatcher& singleton() {
    // ...
    static Dispatcher& s = realSingleton();
    C10_EXPORT Dispatcher& Dispatcher::realSingleton() {
      static Dispatcher _singleton;
      return _singleton;
    return s;
  // 成员变量  
  LeftRight<ska::flat_hash_map<OperatorName, OperatorHandle>> operatorLookupTable_;
  std::list<OperatorDef> operators_;

operatorLookupTable_ 是一个算子表 LeftRight 实现参考:Brief Announcement: Left-Right - A Concurrency Control Technique with Wait-Free Population Oblivious Reads,大概逻辑是给任意的数据结构生成两份实例左和右,同时存在读写的时候,读左边的写右边的,写入完成后读取换到右边,当左边的所有读结束后,右边的写入再同步到左边,这种并发控制方式实现了零等待的读操作。
flat_hash_map 实现参考:A very fast hashtable,是一种高效的哈希表。

DispatchKey 与 DispatchKeySet

DispatchKey 是一个枚举类,不仅有针对不同后端(CPU、CUDA、XLA)的dispatch条目,也有像autograd和tracing这样的高抽象层级概念的条目。

typedef unsigned char uint8_t
enum class DispatchKey : uint8_t {
  Undefined = 0,
  CatchAll = Undefined,
  CPU, // registered at build/aten/src/ATen/RegisterCPU.cpp
  CUDA, // registered at build/aten/src/ATen/RegisterCUDA.cpp
  HIP, // NB: I think this is not actually used, due to Note [Masquerading as
  FPGA, // Xilinx support lives out of tree at
       // ......

dispatchkey 存储在 DispatchKeySet,DispatchKeySet 类有一个 uint64_t 类型的类成员 repr_,共计64个比特位,每个dispatch key 占用一个比特位:

// DispatchKeySet构造函数之一,传入key时,把对应比特位的数值标记为1
  explicit constexpr DispatchKeySet(DispatchKey t)
      : repr_(
            t == DispatchKey::Undefined
                ? 0
                : 1ULL << (static_cast<uint8_t>(t) - 1)) {}


// 重载操作符
  constexpr DispatchKeySet operator|(DispatchKeySet other) const {
    return DispatchKeySet(repr_ | other.repr_);
// 新增key调用重载的或操作符
  C10_NODISCARD DispatchKeySet add(DispatchKey t) const {
    return *this | DispatchKeySet(t);

DispatchKeySet里有多个key时,由于 dispatch key 的数字越大优先级越高,则比特位里面最左边的key优先级最高,每次执行都需要查找最高位的位置。
最简单的方法自然是从左往右遍历,直到遇见比特位为1的值。而 PyTorch 用了 LLVM 项目提供的一种二分查找的方式计算最高位:

// c10/core/DispatchKeySet.h
  DispatchKey highestPriorityTypeId() const {
    return static_cast<DispatchKey>(64 - llvm::countLeadingZeros(repr_));

// c10/util/llvmMathExtras.h
namespace detail {
template <typename T, std::size_t SizeOfT>
struct LeadingZerosCounter {
  static std::size_t count(T Val, ZeroBehavior) {
    if (!Val)
      return std::numeric_limits<T>::digits;

    // Bisection method.
    std::size_t ZeroBits = 0;
    for (T Shift = std::numeric_limits<T>::digits >> 1; Shift; Shift >>= 1) {
      T Tmp = Val >> Shift;
      if (Tmp)
        Val = Tmp;
        ZeroBits |= Shift;
    return ZeroBits;

Val为传入的repr_,循环内的Shift值依次为32、16、8、4、2、1(二进制值分别为100000,10000,1000, 100,10,1),每次循环把Val右移Shift位:


struct TORCH_API DispatchKeyExtractor final {

  void registerSchema(const FunctionSchema& schema) {
    dispatch_arg_indices_reverse_ = makeBitsetForDispatchArgs(schema);

  static c10::utils::bitset makeBitsetForDispatchArgs(const FunctionSchema& schema) {
    TORCH_CHECK(schema.arguments().size() <= c10::utils::bitset::NUM_BITS(),
        "The function schema has ", schema.arguments().size(),
        " arguments but this PyTorch build only supports ", c10::utils::bitset::NUM_BITS());
    c10::utils::bitset dispatch_arg_indices_reverse;
    for (const auto index : c10::irange(schema.arguments().size())) {
      if (schema.arguments()[index].type()->isSubtypeOf(*TensorType::get()) ||
              *ListType::ofTensors()) ||
              *ListType::ofOptionalTensors()) ||
              *OptionalType::ofTensor())) {
        dispatch_arg_indices_reverse.set(schema.arguments().size() - 1 - index);
    return dispatch_arg_indices_reverse;

  template<class... Args>
  DispatchKeySet getDispatchKeySetUnboxed(const Args&... args) const {
    auto ks = detail::multi_dispatch_key_set(args...);
    // Keys that are fallthrough should be skipped
    if (requiresBitsetPerBackend_) {
      auto backend_idx = ks.getBackendIndex();
      return impl::computeDispatchKeySet(ks, nonFallthroughKeysPerBackend_[backend_idx]);
    } else {
      return impl::computeDispatchKeySet(ks, nonFallthroughKeys_);

  c10::utils::bitset dispatch_arg_indices_reverse_;

// c10/util/Bitset.h
struct bitset final {
  using bitset_type = long long int;

    static constexpr size_t NUM_BITS() {
      return 8 * sizeof(bitset_type);

  constexpr void set(size_t index) noexcept {
    bitset_ |= (static_cast<long long int>(1) << index);

dispatch_arg_indices_reverse_ 是有64个比特位标记的结构体,上面代码根据算子 schema 的参数数量,在结构体内进行逆序(从右往左)的标记。
getDispatchKeySetUnboxed 会根据算子的信息生成一个 DispatchKeySet,这个 DispatchKeySet 是排除掉了存储在本地线程中的某些 key。 例如当运行一个带有 autograd key 的算子时,会先构造反向计算图,构造完成后再运行前向计算的算子,这个时候就需要在第一次调用的时候对 autograd key 标记排除,才能真正调用算子:

static inline DispatchKeySet computeDispatchKeySet(
    DispatchKeySet ks,
    // The key mask lets us eliminate (by zero entries) keys which should not
    // be considered for dispatch.  There are two cases when we use this:
    // - If an operator's dispatch table contains a fallthrough entry, we
    //   should bypass it entirely when finding the key
    // - If a user invokes with redispatch, the mask lets us
    //   zero out the key the user asked us to stop.
    // These excluded backends are NOT tracked in the TLS, but must be applied
    // AFTER TLS (since the backend may have been introduced for consideration
    // by the included TLS), which is why you have to pass them in to this
    // function (as opposed to just applying it to the input 'ks').
    DispatchKeySet key_mask
) {
  c10::impl::LocalDispatchKeySet local = c10::impl::tls_local_dispatch_key_set();
  // TODO: It's a bit irritating that we have to do logical ORs here, it would
  // be nice to only do one.  Can always_included be folded into the TLS?  Well,
  // it's a bit troublesome, because fastpath TLS access requires the type of
  // the TLS in question to be zero-initialized, so you don't actually win
  // anyting in that case.
  return (((ks | local.included_) - local.excluded_) & key_mask);